What is “Services Offered”?

In order to deploy the SUMO Online Scheduling Site you must specify what services each provider offers.  For example, if you would like people to self-schedule into an appointment with Jane Provider, and you would like them to be able to choose a service, such as “Initial Consultation” or “Follow-Up Meeting”, then Jane’s contact record in SUMO needs to specify that Jane offers these services.

How do I Setup Services Offered?

  1. Search for the provider’s contact record in SUMO.
  2. On the providers contact record, scroll down the page until you see “Services Offered”.
  3. Click the “New Services Offered” button.
  4. Choose a service and click save.
  5. You may repeat step 3, if the provider offers more than one service.


What if I don’t see the service listed?

In this scenario, you should ask your SUMO Administrator to add a new service to SUMO, so you may select it.