
  • A SUMO Appointment has 2 status options = “Booked” or “Canceled”.
  • A SUMO Appointment Participant has 3 status options = “Awaiting, Confirmed, Declined”.
  • A SUMO Appointment Participant also has a “No-Show” checkbox.

How does this work in practice?

Each SUMO appointment can have multiple participants.  An appointment can be “Booked” with 3 participants, 1 can no-show, and the other 2 can show.

For example, Appointment #123 has a Doctor, A Mother, and her Child.  The child was unable to attend.  Therefore, a staff member marked the child as a no-show.  In this scenario, the following would happen:

  • The appointment on the calendar would have a yellow warning symbol Screen Shot 2015-03-31 at 8.44.03 PM next to it, indicating that someone on the appointment no-showed.
  • The appointment status would remain “Booked”, since it was not “Canceled”.
  • The appointment no-show checkbox for the child would be “True” or checked.
  • The appointment participant status for the child could be any of the 3 options (Awaiting, Confirmed, Declined).

How do I mark a No-Show?

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  1. Edit and appointment by either clicking on the appointment on the calendar or clicking EDIT next to an appointment.
  2. Click on the name in the participant list on the right that you would like to make as a No-Show.
  3. On the popup window check the “No-Show” box.
  4. Click “Save Changes”.  Notice the NS next to their name in the Participant list.
  5. Save the appointment.
  6. Notice the yellow warning symbol Screen Shot 2015-03-31 at 8.44.03 PM on the appointment on the calendar.

How do I measure No-Show trends and metrics?

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  • On the main tab nav menu, click on “Dashboards” tab.
  • Click the “Find a Dashboard” picklist and choose the “No-Show Dashboard”.
  • Click on any graph to see the report data.

*Also you may create your own custom report to report on Appointments with Appointment Participants where No-Show checkbox = True.